Friday, February 6, 2009

Electronic Road Sign Graffiti

What will they think of next?

Street artists (well I think of them as street artisits) have been re-programming electronic road warning signs and changing the messages. Instead of saying "Roadwork Ahead" or "Traffic Problem Ahead", the signs might read "Daily Lane Closures Due to Zombies" or "Nazi Zombies Ahead".

I love this. Altering the status quo with clever, subversive and sometimes funny work is definitely in the street art family!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

AP Says Shepard Fairey's Obama is Copyright Infringement

Well here is an interesting twist to the now very famous and revered Obama portrait by Shepard Fairey. Associated Press says that Fairey infringed on their copyright - his street art inspired portrait of the President was lifted from an AP photo of Obama.
What do you think?

A poster of President Barack Obama, right, by artist Shepard Fairey is shown for comparison with this April 27, 2006 file photo of then-Sen. Barack Obama (on the left) by Associated Press photographer Manny Garcia at the National Press Club in Washington. Fairey has acknowledged, the poster is based on the AP photograph. (AP Photo/Manny Garcia/ Shepard Fairey)

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