Friday, June 12, 2009

The Beauty and Grace of Pure Scrawl

There is something to be said for the pure essence of graffiti. The "scrawls" and short tags that seem to crop up everywhere. I have to admit that I like some of them and am unimpressed with others. But there are a few that have a wonderful lyricism and grace. Here are a couple of examples:

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Various and interesting Graffiti sites

Trolling through the internet yielded these interesting graffiti based sites.
In no particular order:


Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Recession" graffiti

The thing I love about graffiti is that it will reflect (or some might say drive) the times.

NPR just had a story about what they termed "Recession Graffiti" - how graffiti has taken on a political hue.

But I say "Recession Graffiti" is just another way of saying "Graffiti". All street art is political and relevant.